(TTY) 703-361-7075
6511 Sudley Road, Manassas, VA 20109
DIRECTIONS: I-66, Exit 47, follow Rte 234 (Sudley Road) North 1/2 mile to Visitor Center entrance on right.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Site of the first major battlefield (also known as the Battle of Bull Run)of the Civil War--and the equally important Second Battle of Manassas (which convinced General Lee to invade the Union's own home ground)--the Park is a "must see" for anyone who truly wishes to gain a sense for the Civil War.
The Park's visitor center offers fascinating electronic battle maps, displays of equipment and battle memorabilia, and regular "interpretative" presentations of the battlefield's history by U.S. Park Service professionals.
Follow this with a walking or driving tour of the battlefield. See the statue honoring the stand of General "Stonewall" Jackson and his Virginians, visit the blood-soaked grounds of the "stone house", and listen for echos of the rebel yell first voiced below the "Hellfire Line" that marked the cannon batteries above a stream.
Link to National Park Service videos about Manassas.
Link to free iPhone/iPad app about the First and Second Battles of Manassas (Bull Run).
Link to free Android app about the First and Second Battles of Manassas (Bull Run).
PARKING: 6 wheelchair accessible parking spaces at the Henry Hill Visitor Center.
TYPES OF PATHS: Asphalt and flagstone. A paved path at Stone Bridge and grassy areas have steep grades requiring assistance for persons in wheelchairs. Paths are up to 1 mile long.
ENTRANCE: Front of Visitor Center. 4 exterior steps, each 6 in. in height. Handrail in center. Ramps provided. Entry doors, 30 in. wide, open automatically with a push button on the right side. Interior steps to rest rooms. Each step is 7 in. high. Handrails.
PUBLIC REST ROOMS: Men’s and Women’s facilities in the basement of the visitor center are accessible to wheelchair users via an exterior ramp at the west rear of the building. Button to the right side of door activates the automatic opener. Restroom doors also have automatic assist buttons. Accessible stalls have 32 in. wide doors opening out, and handrails. 19 in. toilet seat height. Sink height 33 in. Accessible stall checked regularly for obstructions. Rest rooms are identified by a raised figure with pants or skirt on door to designate men or women.
For guests with hearing disabilities, there are signing interpreters available with advance notice, and written scripts. The 45-minute film, Manassas: End of Innocence, is open-captioned. Assisted listening devices are available upon request.Map program is open-captioned.
For guests with visual disabilities, Audio description of the Henry Hill Visitor Center film is available upon request. There are audio CDs available for sale in the park gift shop to assist a self-guided tour of the Second Manassas battlefield. Documents in large print on non-glossy surface. "The Manassas Story” in large type is available on request at the lobby information desk.
There are tactile exhibits of reproduction artillery shells and equipment in the visitor center lobby and visitors with visual disabilities may examine the many original artillery pieces displayed on the field.
For guests with mobility disabilities, the museum exhibits and Battle Map Program are accessible to wheelchair users on one level of the building. There is space for wheelchairs is reserved at the front and rear of the auditorium for the film Manassas: End of Innocence.
A wheelchair is available for use inside the Visitor Center and adjacent paved areas outside the building. The wheelchair is loaned free-of-charge, but a drivers license must be left with park staff to ensure the return of the wheelchair.
Talks and short walking tours are scheduled daily in the immediate vicinity of the visitor center and can accommodate persons with mobility disabilities.
BOOKSTORE: Counters 31 in. high. Clerks assist customers with special needs.
Park Headquarters at Stuarts Hill: Two accessible parking spaces are provided at Stuarts Hill with a level walkway to fully accessible restrooms and the headquarters office reception area.
Stone Bridge Trail: A fully accessible paved path connects the designated accessible spaces in the Stone Bridge parking lot and a wayside marker at the Stone Bridge. The bridge itself does not qualify as wheelchair accessible due to excessive slope.
Chinn Ridge Trail: A relatively level, hard surface path extends along the crest of Chinn Ridge from the designated accessible parking spaces at Hazel Plain past the Fletcher Webster Memorial Stone. Several interpretive markers focusing on the Second Battle of Manassas are situated along this trail.
Stone House Trail: A short paved path from the designated accessible parking space in the Stone House parking lot leads to a wayside marker for the Stone House. The grounds immediately around the house are level and accessible to wheelchairs given dry conditions.
Brawner Farm Trail: A paved path provides access to the Brawner Farm from the designated accessible spaces in the newly opened parking area off Pageland Lane.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Accepted credit cards: V, MC, DS and AE in bookstore only, not for admission. Admission fee. Persons with disabilities are eligible for a free lifetime “Golden Access Pass,” giving cardholder and immediate family free admission to all National Parks. 2 audio-visual programs in Visitor Center, both accessible to visitors in wheelchairs and captioned for persons with hearing disabilities.
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