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Welcome Centers

Virginia Rest Areas

State Police

Virginia Relay Service

Travel Tips

Bell Tower
101 N. 9th Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: (804) 545-5586

East Coast Gateway Welcome Center
I-64E Milemarker 213
New Kent, VA 23124
Phone: (804) 966-7450

Potomac Gateway Welcome Center
3540 James Madison Parkway
King George, VA 22485
Phone: (540) 663-3680

Virginia Welcome Center at Skippers
Interstate 95
Skippers, VA 23879
Phone: (434) 634-4113

Virginia Welcome Center at Bracey
Interstate 85
Bracey, VA 23919
Phone: (434) 689-2295

Virginia Welcome Center at Bristol
Interstate 81
66 Island Road
Bristol, VA 24201
Phone: (276) 466-2932

Virginia Welcome Center at Clearbrook
Interstate 81S P.O. Box 38
Clear Brook, VA 22624
Phone: (540) 722-3448

Virginia Welcome Center at Covington
Interstate 64
One Welcome Center Drive
Covington, VA 24426
Phone: (540) 559-3010

Virginia Welcome Center at Fredericksburg
Interstate 95S, Mile Marker 131
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Phone: (540) 786-8344

Virginia Welcome Center at Lambsburg
Mile Marker 0, I-77 Northbound
Lambsburg, VA 24351
(276) 755-3931

Virginia Welcome Center at Manassas
Interstate 66
9915 Vandor Lane
Manassas, VA 20109
Phone: (703) 361-2134

Virginia Welcome Center at New Church
U.S. 13
New Church, VA 23415
Phone: (757) 824-5000

Virginia Welcome Center at Rocky Gap
Interstate 77
Rocky Gap, VA 24366
Phone: (276) 928-1873

State Information


All Virginia rest areas have TTYs and wheelchair accessible rest rooms. Should you or a member of your group need a unisex or companion-assisted rest room, the state rest ares can provide limited assistance. They do not have unisex rest rooms, but the custodian on duty will open the spare rest room if one is not available. If all available rest rooms are open becaus of high volume use, it will take the custodian a few moments to clear one for you use. The Virginia Department of Transportation is happy to do our best to make your trip in Virginia a pleasant one.


800-522-9965 Voice & TTY

Call #77 on cellular phones



TTY: 800-828-1120

711 for emergencies


Remember to dial 911 for emergencies. It is a free call, even at a pay phone. This number will assist in securing an ambulance, law enforcement, or the fire department.

Get clear, specific directions to you destinations, and have a map before leaving. If you become lost, go to the nearest public place to read your map or ask for directions.


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