5200 Southpoint Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 22407
DIRECTIONS: I-95, exit 126, southbound; exit 126B, northbound.
PARKING: 5 wheelchair accessible parking spaces in front of building. Ramps nearby well marked.
ENTRANCE: Ramp provided. Doors easily open out, with bar handle.
FACILITIES: Lowered drinking fountains. Non-smoking areas. Menus in large print on non-glossy surface.
PUBLIC REST ROOMS: At rear of retail area. Doors are 35 in. wide, open in. Turns to enter. Accessible stalls have 35 in. wide doors opening in, and handrails. 19 in. toilet seat height, 11 in. between commode and wall. Sink height 36 in. Accessible stall checked for obstructions.
DINING: There are 30 tables for guests in wheelchairs. Table height is 30 in. Aisle width between tables is 36 in. Menus available in Braille.
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