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Dominion Energy


Help us help you

If you or someone in your household requires the use of electrically-powered medical equipment, use this request form to be added to our medical conditions list.


Link to Medical Notification List in PDF format.

The form requires a physician's statement and signature. You must complete a form each year and we must receive it within 30 days of the anniversary date of the last form you sent. Otherwise, we will assume the condition no longer exists and the medical notation on your account will be removed.


In the event of a power outage, we will make every effort to restore service quickly--consistent with the total restoration effort. You should always be prepared with battery- or manually-powered medical equipment. For longer outages, have a plan to receive proper care somewhere else until service is restored.If we think an impending storm or or other event is going to affect your electric service, we can call you in advance so you can make the proper arrangements.


Accessible Billing

For VA customers, large-print or Braille statements are available upon request at no cost. These special statements are abbreviated versions of the full customer bill and are mailed with the regular bill. Braille statements generally arrive within 3-5 business days. Call us at 866-366-4357 to request special billing.


Link to Braille and large-print billing options.


Senior Cool Care Program

Senior Cool Care is a public-private partnership sponsored by Dominion Energy and administered by theVirginia Department of Aging and Rehabilative Services that helps low-income older citizens in Virginia keep cool during summer months.


Link to Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services

The program provides one free single-room air conditioner to elderly Virginians who live within Dominion Energy’s service area and who meet eligibility requirements. Loca Area Agencies on Agingl administer Senior Cool Care by screening applicants and distributing air conditioners. A list of participating agencies is available by contacting the Virginia Department for the Aging at 800-552-3402.


Link to Area Agencies on Aging

Most of Dominion Energy's donations to the Fan Care program go toward the purchase of fans. Funds also are available to agencies to purchase air-conditioners for clients with more serious health problems.Eligibility To be eligible for Senior Cool Care, an individual must: Tax-deductible contributions can be made in any amount to your local Area Agency on Aging.  



For qualified customers facing financial hardship, the program includes bill pay assistance and free weatherization and energy-saving upgrades. The program has been expanded in both funding and resources, broadening participation to individuals with disabilities and military veterans facing financial challenges.

Bill Payment Assistance

Applies to any heating/cooling source: oil, gas, kerosene, wood, and electricity within Dominion Energy Virginia's service territory.

Weatherization Services

To help save on energy costs, qualifying customers receive a free energy assessment and free energy-saving measures that may include:

For more information about weatherization, call 1-888-366-8280.

How to Apply

Call 2-1-1 for a referral to your local EnergyShare agency.


Link to list of local EnergyShare agencies in PDF format.

In addition to helping with utility needs, 2-1-1 call specialists can provide referrals to resources for child care, elder care, housing assistance and training. Help is available 24 hours a day.


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