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434-793-5644                                        Fax:  434-799-6145
975 Main Street, Danville, VA  24541

DIRECTIONS: 29 Business to Main Street.  Museum is located at corner of Main and Holbrook and Main and Sutherlin.  Parking behind museum.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION:  Pre and post Civil War era home filled with antiques, including a Jefferson Davis room.

PARKING:  2 wheelchair accessible parking spaces.

TYPES OF PATHS:  Bricked walkways around front.  Uneven and close to shrubbery.  Cement walkways around back with accessible entrance.  Wood floors inside.

ENTRANCE:  Located at rear.  13 exterior steps, each 7 in. in height.  Handrails on left and right.  Ramps provided.  Entry doors, 52 in. wide, easily open out with round handle located 39 in. above floor. Ground floor entrance at rear-ring bell.  Elevator serves 2nd and 3rd floors.

PUBLIC REST ROOMS:  Ground floor, behind gift shop.  Doors are 30 in. wide, open in.  No turns to enter.  19 in. toilet seat height, and 6-17 in. between commode and wall.  Sink height is 30 in.  Accessible stall checked regularly for obstructions.

ELEVATOR:  Wheelchair accessible elevator with sound indicator.

For guests with visual disabilities, signs are printed on a non-glossy surface. 

GIFT SHOP:  Aisles 37 in. wide.  Counters 32 in. high.  Clerks assist customers with special needs.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  Open 10-5 Tu-Fri and 2-5 Sat-Sun.


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