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POCAHONTAS STATE PARK                 804-796-4255
10301 State Park Road, Chesterfield, VA                                                
DIRECTIONS: I-95 to Rte 10, West on Beach Road, park entrance approx. 4 miles.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION:  Largest Virginia state park with camping, hiking, biking, picnicking, swimming, fishing, boating and nature study.

PARKING:  8 wheelchair accessible parking spaces.


PUBLIC REST ROOMS:  Located throughout park.  Picnic area restroom fully wheelchair accessible. 

PICNIC AREAS:  Located near pool.  Asphalt paths.  Covered shelters.  Picnic shelters 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 are ground level and universally accessible. 

TRAILS AND FISHING: The Spillway Trail behind the CCC Museum is paved for accessibility. This trail goes down a hill to the Beaver Lake dam where guests may view wildlife. Accessible fishing and easy parking are available at the park's Swift Creek Lake boat ramp.

SWIMMING POOL: The pool concession, pool and bathhouses are all ground level and accessible. Universally accessible parking is in the main parking lot, and sidewalks lead to the pool entrance.

CAMPGROUND: There are six ADA-compliant sites with extended picnic tables. The bathhouses are fully accessible. All campsites have electric and water hookups (no sewer), grills, picnic tables and lantern holders. There are centrally located restrooms with hot showers.

CABINS: Camp Cabin 06 is ADA accessible and has ramp entry from parking lot. Call 1-800-933-7275 for reservations.

ACCESS INFORMATION: Group cabin areas such as the dining hall, lodges and bathhouses are all accessible. The CCC Museum is fully accessible by ramp. The outdoor amphitheater is accessible, with paved sidewalks from the ticket booth area. The park provides assistance to guests to get to and from the amphitheater parking lot and seating for park-sponsored events.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  Credit cards MC and V.  Open: 7 am - dusk.   Park fees:

Although motorized vehicles are not permitted on park trails, electric wheelchairs and electric scooters that meet the federal definition for wheelchairs are allowed to enable people with disabilities to use the trails.

Lodges, dining hall, restrooms and showers at the Algonquian Ecology Camp are wheelchair accessible.  



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